Go Tutu Go!: At The Studio

Thursday, 8th August 2002, 7pm - The ArtsCentral crew first came to our studio to shoot us while we were having our Lindy Hop III class and stayed till about 11pm when Swing Fling was over. However, none of those shots appeared in the final footage probably because we weren't dressed up then.

They came again one week later (15th August 2002) this time with Jeffrey.

But this time, it's different, almost everyone tried to dress up in authentic Lindy Hop costumes of the 1930s and 1940s with their black and white shoes, flared skirts for the ladies, and suspenders for the men.

Not only that, it was great that many of those who are now studying or working overseas made it to the studio that day.

You don't see me in it 'cos I was too busy to attend class. But oh, I shouldn't have missed the class.

The dance session certainly made Jeff realised that he needed some dance lesson. So off he went to Sinclair and Fen for a swinging good time.

But as Jeff soon finds out, Lindy is more than just a dance to us. So what does Lindy mean to us?


 © Copyright April 2000 Anthony Chia Chwee Kiong